Our Vision & Ethos
Our vision is to provide opportunities for ‘inspiration through collaboration’ for all stakeholders through the forum of our trust. We wish to enable young minds to play a part in creating a future which has opportunities for all and encourages aspiration and resilience. We wish to develop future leaders and value the leaders of today.
We believe that anything is possible in an environment which treasures kindness, nurture and aspiration. We hold the wellbeing of staff, children and parents/carers at the core of all our decision making. The trust works in local, national and international partnerships to promote citizenship of our world, our country and our local community of Stevenage.
Everything we do has the child clearly and firmly at the centre. We believe passionately that every child should have the right to a fun, quality and progressive education which equips them to meet the demands of tomorrow. We support the family around the child by working effectively in partnership, providing necessary resources and liaising effectively with external organisations.
The Claxton Trust, named after Eric Claxton, the designer of Stevenage, is focused on the creation of a structure that promotes well-being, is fit for purpose and aspires to a better quality of life for all, now and in the future. At present, the multi-academy trust is comprised of two large ‘good’ primary schools with children aged 2-11 years. Both schools have a proven record of successful collaboration and raising standards.